lbteint module

This module, contains the integral solvers for the linearized Boltzmann Transport equations.

Contains the routines to perform the Boltzmann transport integrals.

lbteint.analytic_k_space_energy(kx, ky, kz, effmass, e_shift)

Returns the parabolic energy dispersion.

transport : object

A Transport() object

kx : float

The k_x in cartesian coordinates.

ky : float

The k_y in cartesian coordinates.

kz : float

The k_z in cartesian coordinates.

effmass : ndarray
Dimension: (3)

The effective mass along k_x, k_y and k_z, respectively.


The energy value in eV.


This routine only accepts the diagonal elements of the effective mass tensor

lbteint.analytic_k_space_integrand(kz, ky, kx, eta, beta, effmass, e0, i, l, m)

Returns the integrand for the anlytic reciprocal space integration of the transport tensor.

kz : float

The k_z in cartesian coordinates.

ky : float

The k_y in cartesian coordinates.

kx : float

The k_x in cartesian coordinates.

eta : float

The reduced chemical potential.

beta : float

The \\beta factor, \\beta=(k_bT)^{-1} in eV.

effmass : float

The effective mass in units of the free electron mass.

e0 : float

The energy shift, e.g. E=\\hbar^2 k^2/2m + E_0, where E_0 is the energy shift in eV.

i : int

The order of the transport tensor.

l : {0,1,2}

The first index of the transport tensor.

m : {0,1,2}

The second index of the transport tensor.


The integrand value.

lbteint.analytic_k_space_velocity(kx, ky, kz, effmass, i)

Returns the parabolic velocity dispersion.

kx : float

The k_x in cartesian coordinates.

ky : float

The k_y in cartesian coordinates.

kz : float

The k_z in cartesian coordinates.

effmass : ndarray
Dimension: (3)

The effective mass along k_x, k_y and k_z, respectively.

i : {0,1,2}

The direction to evaluate the velocity (0 is along k_x etc.).


The velocity in eVAA.


This routine only accepts the diagonal elements of the effective mass tensor. The \\hbar/m_e factor is not returned and need to be introduced externally.

lbteint.concatenate_integrand(energies, velocities, scatter, spin_fact, chempot, beta, order)

Concatenates the integrand in the Boltzmann transport integral.

lbteint.concatenate_integrand_band(energies, velocities, tau, spin_fact, chempot, beta, order)

Concatenates the integrand in the Boltzmann transport integral and sums the bands.

lbteint.fermiintclosed(order, eta, spin_fact)

Returns the value of the closed expressions for the Fermi integrals.

lbteint.integrandpar(eps, transport, w0, eta, beta, energy_trans, effmass, i)

Returns the integrand used in the analytic energy integration of the transport coefficients in integrate_e()

eps : float

The reduced carrier energy.

transport : object

A Transport() object.

w0 : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the scattering rate prefactor for the different scattering mechanisms in units of inverse fs.

eta : float

The reduced chemical potential.

beta : float

The \\beta factor in eV.

energy_trans : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the energy transitions (that is added to the energy in \\tau=\\tau_0E^{r-1/2}, typically, E=E+\\hbar \\omega, where \\hbar \\omega is the size of the energy transition. Set it to zero for the non-relevant scattering mechanisms.

effmass : float

The effective mass in units of the electron mass.

i : int

The order of the transport integral to be evaluated.


The integrand value.


The total scattering is calculated based on the well known scattering models for parabolic energy dispersions \\tau=\\tau_0\\epsilon^{r-1/2}, where r is the scattering factor.

lbteint.integrandpardos(eps, transport, w0, eta, beta, energy_trans, effmass, i)

The integrand for the density of states integral over energy.

eps : float

The reduced carrier energy

transport : object

A Transport() object

w0 : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the scattering rate prefactor for the different scattering mechanisms in units of inverse fs. Not used in this routine, but it needs the dummy from the call argument.

eta : float

The reduced chemical potential

beta : float

The \\beta factor in eV. Not used in this routine, but it needs the dummy from the call argument.

energy_trans : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the energy transitions (that is added to the energy in \\tau=\\tau_0E^{r-1/2}, typically, E=E+\\hbar \\omega, where \\hbar \\omega is the size of the energy transition. Set it to zero for the non-relevant scattering mechanisms. Not used in this routine, but it needs the dummy from the call argument.

effmass : float

The effective mass in units of the electron mass. Not used in this routine, but it needs the dummy from the call argument.

i : int

The order of the transport integral to be evaluated. Not used in this routine, but it needs the dummy from the call argument.


The integrand value for the density of states.


Calculates the density of states integrand

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lbteint.integrandpart2(eps, transport, w0, eta, beta, energy_trans, effmass, i)

Returns the integrand used in the analytic energy integration of the transport distribution function with a quadratic \\tau term

eps : float

The reduced carrier energy.

transport : object

A Transport() object.

w0 : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the scattering rate prefactor for the different scattering mechanisms in units of inverse fs.

eta : float

The reduced chemical potential.

beta : float

The \\beta factor in eV.

energy_trans : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the energy transitions (that is added to the energy in \\tau=\\tau_0E^{r-1/2}, typically, E=E+\\hbar \\omega, where \\hbar \\omega is the size of the energy transition. Set it to zero for the non-relevant scattering mechanisms.

effmass : float

The effective mass in units of the electron mass.

i : int

The order of the transport integral to be evaluated.


The integrand value.


The total scattering is calculated based on the well known scattering models for parabolic energy dispersions \\tau=\\tau_0\\epsilon^{r-1/2}, where r is the scattering factor. Difference from integrandpar(): here tau^2 is used in the integrand (for the calculation of the Hall factor).

lbteint.scipy_e_integrals(transport, integrand, e_min, e_max, w0, eta, beta, energy_trans, effmass, order, spin_fact, method='quad')

Calculates the one dimensional energy integrals.

Uses the SciPy function scipy.integrate.quad().

transport : object

A Transport() object

integrand : {“normal”,”hall”,”dos”}

Selects the type of integrand to be used. “normal” selects integrandpar(). “hall” selects integrandpart2(), “dos” selects integrandpardos().

e_min : float

The lower integration limit in eV.

e_max : float

The higher integration limit in eV.

w0 : ndarray
Dimension: (12)

Contains the scattering rate prefactor (inverse of relaxation time) for the different scattering mechanisms in units of inverse fs.

eta : float

The reduced chemical potential.

beta : float

The \\beta factor, (\\mathrm{k_b}T)^{-1} in eV.

effmass : ndarray
Dimension: (3)

The effective mass along the three reciprocal unit vectors in units of the free electron mass.

e0 : float

The energy shift, e.g. E=\\hbar^2 k^2/2m + E_0, where E_0 is the energy shift in eV.

i : int

The order of the transport tensor.

l : {0,1,2}

The first index of the transport tensor.

m : {0,1,2}

The second index of the transport tensor.

spin_fact : int

The spin degeneracy factor. 1 for non-spin degeneracy, 2 for spin degeneracy.

method : {“quad”}, optional

The SciPy three dimensional integration method using scipy.integrate.quad().


The resulting integral over energy.

lbteint.scipy_k_integrals(eta, beta, effmass, e0, i, l, m, method='tplquad')

Calculates the three dimensional wave vector integrals.

Uses the SciPy function scipy.integrate.tplquad().

eta : float

The reduced chemical potential

beta : float

The \\beta factor, (\\mathrm{k_b}T)^{-1} in eV.

effmass : ndarray
Dimension: (3)

The effective mass along the three reciprocal unit vectors in units of the free electron mass.

e0 : float

The energy shift, e.g. E=\\hbar^2 k^2/2m + E_0, where E_0 is the energy shift in eV.

i : int

The order of the transport tensor.

l : {0,1,2}

The first index of the transport tensor

m : {0,1,2}

The second index of the transport tensor

method : {“tplquad”}, optional

The SciPy three dimensional integration method using scipy.integrate.tplquad().


The resulting integral over the wave vectors.

lbteint.scipy_k_integrals_discrete(tr, integrand_type, energies, velocities, scatter, chempot, beta, order, spin_fact, method='trapz')

Calculates the three dimensional integrals over the k-points for discrete data.

Uses SciPy integration functions for discrete data.

tr : object

A Transport() object

energies: ndarray

Contains the band energies in eV for each k-point.

velocities: ndarray

Contains the derivative if energies without the \hbar factors for each k-point.


Contains the relaxation time at each k-point.

chempot : float

The chemical potential in eV

beta : float

The \\beta factor, (\\mathrm{k_b}T)^{-1} in eV.

spin_fact : int

The spin factor, 1 for non-spin degeneracy and 2 for spin degeneracy.

method : {“trapz”, “simps”, “romb”}, optional

The SciPy three dimensional integration method for the scipy.integrate.trapz(), scipy.integrate.simps() and the scipy.integrate.romb() functions, respectively. Defaults to “trapz”.

integral : float

The resulting integral over the wave vectors.

lbteint.scipy_k_integrals_discrete2(tr, energies, velocities, scatter, chempot, beta, spin_fact, order, method='trapz')

Calculates the three dimensional integrals over the k-points for discrete data.

Uses integration functions for discrete data.

tr : object

A Transport() object

chempot : float

The chemical potential in eV

beta : float

The \\beta factor, (\\mathrm{k_b}T)^{-1} in eV.

spin_fact : int

The spin factor, 1 for non-spin degeneracy and 2 for spin degeneracy.

kx, ky, kz : float, float, float

The spacing in inverse AA between the points along each direction.

order : float

The order of the energy minus chemical potential term in the denominator.

method : {“trapz”, “simps”, “romb”}, optional

The SciPy three dimensional integration method for the scipy.integrate.trapz(), scipy.integrate.simps() and the scipy.integrate.romb() functions, respectively. Defaults to “trapz”.